Blog Posts

How Are You Retaining Patients in Your Practice?

By Robin Morrison, PresidentRLM Healthcare Marketing & Consulting, Inc.Dental Consultant Connection   New patients are often considered the lifeblood of a dental practice. However, while attracting new patients is crucial, retaining your current patients is...

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Converting Callers to New Patients

Written by - Robin Morrison, President - RLM Healthcare Marketing & Consulting Statistics tell us that less than 40% of potential new patients calling dental practices are actually converted and scheduled. If they do not schedule on the first call, 99% of the...

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Workplace Bullying and It’s Costs

Say the word “bully,” and most people imagine a childhood playground and stolen lunch money. As traumatic as childhood bullying can be, the realm of workplace bullying is fraught with sentiments, including the suffering experienced by targets, the defensiveness of...

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10 Top Management Tools For A Successful Practice

Every practice most likely uses the management tools on Lois' check list below. But ... I believe, from time to time, we slip away and don't use them consistently. Using these tools consistently will bring your practice more organization, profit, growth, and...

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Retreating Periodontal Pockets with Adjunctive Antimicrobials

Colleen Rutledge, RDH in 2003, provides over-the-shoulder in-office training for various non-surgical periodontal therapies. Her specialty is helping dental practices realize increased production by increasing both the quality and quantity of periodontal services and...

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Nine Things A Dentist Should Do Now

If you are a practice owner, this is a MUST READ. This post can save you 100's of thousands of dollars. Embezzlement is dental practices is a much larger problem than most think. Published statistics suggest that the chance of a dentist being defrauded in his or her...

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3-Prong HR Strategy to Protect Your Practice

It seeems like more and more clients are inquiring about HR compliance. They are mostly concerned about the proper way to handle employee issues and the legal ramifications. Ginny Hegarty is offering much needed HR advice in this post to the DCC blog. This is one post...

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Anatomy of a Dental Plan

Every dental administrator and team member who deals with insurance in their practice should read this - then call Lois Banta and thank her for sharing this! Her tips, reommnendations and information are extremely valuable. Thanks for the gold nuggets Lois! Robin...

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Are You Struggling Outside AND Inside?

Rachel Wall, RDH, BS, touches on a very important issue when it comes to presenting dental treatment. Believing in the true health value and, very importantly, the monetary value of the treatment you are presenting plays a critical role in case acceptance.  By Rachel...

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It seems like the perfect time of year to bring this subject up. Having been a dental administrator previously, I know first-hand how important it is for team members to know the numbers in the practice. If our doctor had kept numbers from us, I am positve we would...

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The Right Patient at the Right Time

Katherine Eitel shares some great advice on efficient and effective scheduling in the dental practice I read once that 25% of the population has an assertive enough personality to speak up and tell you what they want. The remaining 75% will go where you lead them… if...

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What’s Around The Corner For Your Dental Practice?

When we talk about innovative professions ... I believe dentistry takes top honors. Technology, leadership, overall patient care (focus on whole body wellness), research, business development, patient education, and so much more make dentistry a stand-out, honorable...

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Startup Practice Posts